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Cherif and HAAi for ARK8

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1 min Read

The last few weeks have been whirlwind at ARK/8!

Along with having just launched ‘The Lands Between’ collection (thank you for all the love we’re seeing out there for it!), the world of music is another influence on everything we do at ARK/8. It was only natural to team up with our friends from Maison Mercury Jones in collaborating with some of our favourite electronic music artists.

In the mix, we’ve got our ARK/8 brand track dropping which we cannot wait for you all to hear! We’ve worked on this with Cherif Hashizume (producer and DJ) and Ilā Kamalagharan (creative director) based on a track by longtime ARK/8 contributor ZE’EV, and we’re collaborating with world-famous Australian-born and London-based DJ HAAi for future exciting projects.

Stay tuned!